1714 - 15 Rome (24 Nov. 1714), Venice (May 1715)
Taylor was mentioned at Rome by William Kent in a letter of 24 November 1714.1 In May 1715 he was one of a party of Englishmen at Venice 'to see the Fair of the Ascention & soone proceed homewards'.2
1. Kent letters MSS. 2. SP 99/61, f.39 (Broughton, 31 May 1715).
1763 Capua (14 Oct.), Rome (14 Dec.)
Taylor and his unidentifiable companion (whose name is written 'Gorges', 'Gorge' and 'Goorge') were between Rome and Naples in October,1 and in December they were being shown around Rome by Colin Morison.2
1. ASN cra 1277. 2. Seafield MSS, GD 248/99/3 (Abb? Grant, 14 Dec. 1763).
1766 - 7 son of a gentleman living near Brentford; see John Horne.
1769 Florence (11 Nov.: 'Taulor'; Gazz.Tosc.)
1772 Florence (Nov.; Millar, Tribuna, 24n3)
1779 Venice (20 Jun: 'Mons Taijlor'; ASV is 760).
1791 Rome (12 Dec.; The World, 5 Jan. 1792)