(1715 - 86), o. s. of Langdale Smithson of Stanwick, Yorks; Ch.Ch. Oxf. 1730; suc. gd.-fa. 1733 as 4th Bt. of Stanwick; FSA, FRS and Dilettanti 1736; m. 1740 Ldy. Elizabeth Seymour, dau. of 7th D. of Somerset; MP 1740 - 50; suc. fa.-in-law 1750 as 18th E. of Northumberland and took name of Percy; KG 1757; cr. D. of Northumberland 1766; BM Trustee 1753 - 86.
1733 - 4 Florence (by mid-Mar. 1733), Venice (by 22 May), Florence (Jun.), Rome (by 12 Nov. 1733 - 12 Mar. 1734), Milan, Verona (Jun.), Mantua, Vicenza (by 15 Jun.) [England by 1736]
1773 Milan (Nov.)
Hugh Smithson was in Italy with his tutor Benjamin Crowe in 1733 - 4. They arrived in Florence in mid-March 1733,1 and were in Venice towards the end of May for Ascension.2 In June they were back in Florence, proposing to spend some time there.3 In November they came to Rome with William Dugood, the jeweller. On the 12th they dined at William Holbech's with Martin Folkes and others4 and they were still in Rome in March 1734. In June they were in Vicenza to hear Farinelli sing, and they had observed the French army near Mantua while they were staying in Milan.5 Smithson was back in England in 1736 when he was elected fellow of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, and he was made a founder member of the Society of Dilettanti. His discriminating patronage of Canaletto probably started during his visit to Italy, but his assistance of Giles Hussey must have been made from England.
In November 1773 the Duke of Northumberland (as Smithson had become) and his Duchess were in Milan.6
1. Spence Letters, 152. 2. SP 99/63, f.226 (Burges, 22 May 1733). 3. SP 98/34 (Skinner, 28 Jun. 1733). 4. Folkes jnl.MSS. 5. Pococke letters MSS, ff.4, 17 (12 Mar., 23 Jun. 1734). 6. Pomfret Corr., 3:343.