(1713 - 80), e. s. of 5th E. of Salisbury; sty. Vct. Cranborne - 1728 when suc. fa. as 6th E.; educ. Westminster; m. 1745 Elizabeth Keet.
1732 - 4 Turin (1732), Milan (Jan. 1733), Venice (Jan. - 27 Feb. - ), Rome (?), Venice (May), Padua (25 Jun.) [France, Jul.] Turin, Florence (Oct. - Nov.), Rome (Nov. 1733 - 7 Apr. 1734), Venice (14 Apr.), Turin
Lord Salisbury probably attended the Turin Academy in the latter part of 1732; in January 1733 he was in Milan, where the 2nd Earl Stanhope said he 'found all the English Gentlemen ... that left Turin in my time', including Lord Salisbury, who was 'in great haste to be hurrying away to Venice, and accordingly is set out post this morning for that Place'.1 Salisbury was making plans to go to Rome at the end of February with Stanhope, Sir Thomas Twisden and others.2 In May he was in Venice with Twisden.3 On 25 June he was in Padua.4 It was at this time that he sat to Rosalba Carriera for the portrait dated 1733 at Hatfield; she was paid for two pictures which Salisbury brought back to England.5
In July he was in France, intending to return to Venice for the Carnival.6 In October he arrived in Florence from Turin, and on 7 November he was about to leave for Rome with Sir Marmaduke Constable and Samuel Haynes.7 During the first three months of 1734 he was still in Rome,8 and on 14 April he returned to Venice, having taken seven days to travel from Rome: 'he talks of staying here but a few days, and designs to go to Vienna', Neil Brown reported.9 At the end of the month he set off for England with the 3rd Earl of Radnor,10 having told the British ambassador Lord Essex on 24 April that he hoped to see him in Turin in about a week's time.(11)
1. Add.27732, f.76 (6 Jan. 1733). 2. SP 99/63, f.220 (Burges, 27 Feb. 1733). 3. Ibid., f.226 (22 May 1733). 4. Brown 1945. 5. Auerbach and Adams, Paintings and Sculpture at Hatfield House, no.161. 6. SP 99/63, f.230 (Burges, 17 Jul. 1733). 7. SP 98/34 (Florence Newsletters, 31 Oct., 7 Nov. 1733). 8. Pococke letters MSS, f.3 (4 Feb. 1734). 9. Add.27733, f.54 (14 Apr. 1734). 10. SP 99/63, f.254 (Burges, 30 Apr. 1734). 11. Add.27733, f.59.