Son of Devereux Mytton of Garth, Montgomery (who was b. 1725).
1778 - 9 [dep. Avignon 26 Sep. 1778] Genoa (3 - 12 Nov.), Bologna, Rome (by 28 Nov. 1778 - 30 Jan. 1779), Naples (by 24 Mar.), Rome ( - 20 Apr.), Loreto (23 Apr.), Ancona, Ferrara, Padua, Venice, Milan (by 25 May), Turin
Mytton's tour is described in a series of factual letters addressed to his father in Montgomeryshire (Mytton letters MSS; dates given in brackets). He came to Italy from Nice, having left Avignon on 26 September 1778. In Nice he had joined two 'Parisians very genteel young men', similarly determined to see everything in Italy 'at as small an expence as possible'. At Genoa, where they spent nine days, he took to calling himself D'Evreux, and acquired from the French consul introductions to the Grand Duke in Florence, Cardinal Aquaviva in Rome and the Pope's nuncio at Naples (Placentia, 19 Oct. 1778). In Rome, where he found he could no longer pass as D'Evreux, he met Lady Berkeley and Lady Lucan with their daughters and, observed Pope Pius VI, whom he thought was 'amongst the handsomest men I have seen' (Rome, 28 Nov. 1778). He wrote from Naples on 24 March 1779, that he was about to 'steer to the North again', having enjoyed 'a continuous clear sky' for three months. He travelled back with six Frenchmen, one of his original companions having stayed behind in Rome; they were in Venice for Ascension, Mytton then intending to go on to Turin, after which he would have seen 'all the principal towns of Italy' (Milan, 25 May 1779).